but they can wait. it has been two weeks since my last blog entry.
i promised i'd give a review of lainey's first birthday party, so here it is.
this is outfit number one. custom made from an army wife out in california. i love etsy.com. id much rather give her money than some random store. i loved the bell-bottoms. & halter-top. It was too precious.

Outfit #2 was a last-minute buy from target. I knew she may get messy with her cake so it was our back-up. The tu-tu was honestly an awkward length, but it was 5 dollars.
I wrote about how worried I was over her cakes.
I have to admit, i wasn't disappointed at all. They were worth every penny. We only paid three small dollars for her smash cake. After I saw it, I immediately thought we should've tipped the lady at least. For a local grocery store they were perfect. Not to mention, they tasted amazing. But I am pregnant, so a lot of things taste amazing.
I made a thing for her highchair (im not even sure what you would call it). Abby Cadabby is a princess, so I wanted Lainey to be a princess too. I didnt really get a full picture of it, but I made it out of $5 worth of sheer purple fabric, $3 of pink feather boa, $3 of wide turquoise ribbon, velcro, & a little tape. It was super simple. I actually threw it together 10 minutes before her party.

The weird random picture of my face was taken by my husband while Lainey & I were opening her presents. It made me realize how much makeup I wear & how bad I need a nose job. sheesshhh. It also makes me kind of happy. Because while all the pictures were supposed to be of our daughter, Casey zoomed in to take a picture of his wife. a lot of them. I'm a super self-conscious person, I'm always hard on myself. I barely ever feel pretty. Every once in awhile I'll use Casey's phone to take pictures of Lainey. I never go threw his phone to look at his pictures, but when I take pictures of Lainey I always go back & review them. I found that my husband takes pictures of me every once in awhile. Me just watching tv, hair in a pony tail, wearing a hoodie & no make-up. (I looked horrible) But he zoomed in to my face and took pictures of me. A few of them were even black & white. I take pictures of things that I find beautiful. That day, he thought I was beautiful enough to take a picture of. -I know this is way off the point of Lainey's birthday but this weird picture of my face means so much to me. Because at that point in time I know, to my husband, I was beautiful.

This is a very decent family picture. My friend Cherish took it & I was sooooo excited when I saw it. Even though it was Lainey's cheesy fake smile, At least she was smiling. We have maybe 8 family pictures that are decent. 2 I actually like. So, I was ecstatic over this picture even though I'm super white & my hair was super trashy-gold.
& we ended the day with Lainey taking her nap in our guest bedroom. There were still a few close friends over but we layed down with her & just held her for a few minutes. Just admiring her beauty like she was a portrait we'd never see again. We just took her in, amazed by how much she'd changed in a year's time. holding her head up, sitting up, pulling up, crawling, walking, talking some. We're watching our baby learn & change everyday. All in all, she had a good first birthday. It's bittersweet to me.
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