Wednesday, October 26, 2011

ready? or not.

braxton hicks can kiss my butt.
stronger, harder, closer, longer. - sounds dirty, somewhat racy. but no, quite the opposite.
I have been in pain, and I know it's just a little taste of what's to come.
Of course when I'm in pain, I tell Casey. His response is always the same. "You'll be okay."
FYI- He wasn't able to be present at Lainey's birth because of his service to this great country. I've been trying to "prep" him for this whole labor experience we're about to go through. I'm sure he'll know how to handle it when the time comes, but if I hear one single "You'll be okay", he'll probably find his self sitting in the hall. Anyways, I figure he knew what to expect. I mean woman screams, pushes, & hello baby. It's not really a hard concept to grasp, but a part of me knew he wasn't really thinking of all the graphic stuff. So, last night I sit him down. "Casey, will you watch a birth video so you wont get in the room & freak out." He just looked at me like are you serious? I said please, it's really important to me. Inside, I was laughing like crazy. So I pull up - 3 videos. - Natural birth, Epidural Birth, & Emergency C-section.
They had Twins, Triplets, Water birth. But i felt lucky getting him to agree to just one. So, I only asked him to watch the ones with situations that could possibly happen to us. Im not too sure what part he was watching specifically, but I saw his eyes go wide. I didn't ask his opinion until the end of the 3rd video & he looked at me with the most pitiful face ever & said "Ricki, Do I have to watch anymore?" Poor thing.
I asked him what he thought. "I might throw up, I think I need to sit down & drink some water."
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? How are you gonna handle this in real life?!! What'd he think it was like? Glitter and cookies?? About an hour later as we were giving Lainey her bath he says "Birth is a really big deal huh? I don't know if I'm gonna be able to handle it."  - Deep inside me I wish I could see a visual image of what he was expecting before these videos. - I said "Casey, all you have to do is stand there. I'm gonna need you to man up & handle this. It's MY crotch thats about to endure this." He didnt really say anything for awhile. We get in bed & he says "I'm kindof glad it's you & not me." & then proceeds to kiss my forehead. -Boy,Boy,Boy. This is about to be some kind of experience. What I would give to video this whole thing. Me & him, alone in a hospital room, about to birth a child.
Needless to say, We already have a list of rules. Number one being, under no circumstance whatsoever, is he allowed to say "You'll be okay." I calculate birth to be about 2-3 weeks away. So please, pray for my husband  & I. - This is about to be a life changer.

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