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So obviously I've seriously fallen behind in blogging. A lot has happened since my last post:as in Birthed a baby, my husband is overseas, i moved my two kids & myself completely across country, & I'm in college. Therefore, Im hoping my absence has been excused. Now , How do I even begin to start. I've had so many things happen to me & I think to myself, "oh, I should write this down." 9 times out of 10, I forget. So here goes nothing. Lets start where we left off.
November- Sunday the 13th- Spent the day with Casey & Lainey playing as hard as we could. At about 4 Lainey layed down for a nap & I started having mild contractions. (I had contractions all pregnancy, So a lot of false alarms) 5-6 p.m. - stronger, very uncomfortable pains. 7 p.m.- Casey lets go this is it. We got to the hospital at about 710. They came in & checked me (4 cm) The Dr refused to believe it was real. They said I could stay for an hour & they'd "monitor" me. By 745 I was begging them to come & check me. PLEASE. My answer was steadily No. After me breaking down in tears the nurse finally decides she'd check me. (5 1/2cm) I guess once she saw I'd made significant change in about 30 minutes she decided she'd let my Dr know. By this time I was begging for something to help with my pain. Its an overwhelming pain that I would try to fight & after a few seconds my body would take it upon itself to scream. I couldn't even hold the scream in;It hurt that bad. Between contractions (they were 30-45seconds apart) I would beg my nurse for anything to help with pain. A shot, a pill, epidural, anything. She'd always respond " Would you like tylenol or ibuprofen?" [Excuse my language here] But Bitch have you ever birthed a damn child?! (real heavy emphasis on bitch) They kept telling me they'd call for my epidural soon. Finally the man got there to give me the miracle drug. My husband held me & calmed me somewhat. If it weren't for him I wouldnt have been able to get it. My body was under so much. The man got the thing in & gives me a test drip. Everything was fine. He tells my nurse to check me. (9cm) "oh, sorry ma'am but we cant give you the actual meds. you're too far into labor." ARE YOU KIDDING? It was a cold, brutal reality for someone who had an amazing, no pain first labor to realize that this one was going to be everything but pain free. Suddenly, I have this huge urge to either push or squeeze. I told mu nurse how I felt. "Better hold him in honey, your doctor's not even at the hospital. She's about 20 minutes away." Great. Lovely. Amazing. i had no choice, so I squeezed. The doctor finally got there & as soon as she walked in the room I asked if I could push. "Go Ahead." Push. Push. Doctor says WOW.Casey got excited & screamed one more time momma! Push. Baby Crying. - That sums it up. I literally pushed 3 times & there was my angel. They take him, clean him up & doctors all rush out of my room. The nurse says "okay, Let's take a shower." WHAT. Have you been asleep?? because I just had a baby 2 minutes ago! SO as instructed & without arguing (because Im a weak tit) I get up & take a shower to find out I had to walk down the hall to a new room. This new room is our home for the next 3 days & I may or may not have to share it with another mommy & her baby. If I had to share the room, then Casey would have to leave. This is when I finally realized I had been completely robbed of a "blissful" birthing experience. I honestly felt like I was in a third-world country. All that was missing was boiling water & straw mats. I know that my grandmothers all did this natural, but I was spoiled with having Lainey at Wesley Medical Center. It was amazing & I experienced no pain whatsoever. Of course now I love the fact that I had a natural birthing experience. I feel more woman. I endured every second of that pain to give my child life. & Im super glad that my husband was there with me, to see how lucky "the male" is. In some ways, I feel like even if I did have a better experience, I still wouldn't have been completely happy because Casey was still leaving in 2 weeks. & That was on my mind constantly.
That is my birth story #2. - I still have to cover the months of December & January to actually "catch up", but I figured this was a decent starting point since it was such a huge moment.
This was the first picture of Lenix, |
AN HOUR OLD OLD. :) IN OUR "NEW ROOM" Notice the other bed.